

(The English version is below.)



撮影開始時は赤ちゃんが起きていましたが、お部屋の環境を少し整えると、すぐに眠ってくれました🌙 起きているときの写真もいくつか撮影できて、とても良かったです!

その後は、青いおくるみに包まれた赤ちゃんに辰の被り物をしてもらい、お持ちのエコー写真と一緒に撮影しました🐉 途中からは白いファーが入った籠に移動して、そちらでも辰のロンパースを着た写真や、カスミソウのドライフラワーを添えての撮影も行いました🌿

ご家族の皆さまにご満足いただけて、私もとても嬉しく思います💕 この度はおめでとうございました!またいつか撮影にお伺いできる日を楽しみにしています🌟

Hello everyone! This is Yoshida 😊

Today, I had the pleasure of doing an in-home newborn photo shoot in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture✨

At the start of the session, the baby was awake, but after adjusting the room environment a bit, they soon fell asleep🌙 I was also able to capture a few photos while the baby was awake, which was wonderful!

After that, we wrapped the baby in a blue swaddle, put on a dragon hat, and took photos together with the ultrasound picture🐉 Later, we moved the baby to a basket lined with white fur, where we also took photos in a dragon romper, adding touches like dried baby’s breath flowers🌿

I’m so glad the family was happy with the results, and it made me very happy as well💕 Congratulations again! I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to capture more memories with you all🌟